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Katrin Goering Eckardt A Leading Figure In German Politics


Katrin Göring-Eckardt: A Leading Figure in German Politics

Early Life and Career

Katrin Dagmar Göring-Eckardt (born Katrin Dagmar Eckardt on 3 May 1966) is a German politician and a prominent member of the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens).

Political Accomplishments

Göring-Eckardt has held numerous high-ranking positions in German politics, including:

  • Vice President of the Bundestag (2021-present)
  • Co-leader of the Green Party parliamentary group (2013-2017)
  • Candidate for Chancellor in the 2013 and 2017 federal elections

Personal Life

Göring-Eckardt lives in a patchwork family and has two sons. She is also a grandmother.

Political Values

Göring-Eckardt is known for her strong advocacy for environmental protection, climate justice, and social equality. She believes that it is possible to address the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, promote social cohesion, and defend democracy and freedom.

