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2022 Tournament To Feature Highest Payouts In Event History

US Open Prize Money Increases to Record $60.1 Million

2022 Tournament to Feature Highest Payouts in Event History

Runner-Up and Semifinalists to Receive Significant Increases

The United States Tennis Association (USTA) has announced that the total player compensation for the 2022 US Open will exceed $60.1 million, marking a new record for the tournament. This represents an increase of $2.6 million from the previous record set in 2021.

The runner-up in the singles competition will receive a $2.6 million payout, a $50,000 increase from 2021. Semifinalists will also see a significant boost in their earnings, with each receiving $1.3 million, an increase of $30,000.

The tournament's overall prize purse has also increased to $60.1 million, up from $57.5 million in 2021. This reflects the USTA's commitment to providing competitive compensation to players at all levels.
